Tuesday 15 December 2015

Distress Signals- Problem not Punishment!

Anxiety, stress, anger, restlessness and an extreme sense of vulnerability are more common than most of us think! Some of us consider it as something that happens as a punishment to us as individuals. But that is far from the truth. 

Ever had those moments when you are watching a movie and you get the feeling that a chapter from your life is being played on the screen! Or when you are reading a book and you come across a line which is probably the exact thoughts that run through your mind, it’s just that someone else put them in words! Well this might just be coincidence or it might be that our life is not an individual event; it is always a shared event. Someone somewhere may be exactly in the same position as we are.

Stress and distress are not punishments delivered to you because of who you are or what you did. It is an experience, it happens to everyone at some point or the other. The intensity and frequency of life stressors may differ for each one of us. Some of us may overcome it sooner and some may take longer. And all this depends on when and how we decide to cope with our problem areas. This is in turn achievable only if we decide to cope with it rather than burying it deep or running away from it.

We understand how difficult it is to reach out for help when you are dealing with tremendous pressure, pain or grief in life. In fact each step on the way will be hard, sometimes people, some of the times circumstances and yet other times your own mind will make it problematic for you to come out of it. But you have to realize that your problems are not permanent just like every moment of your life- it is passing and it will pass. Once you accept your situation and believe that you are ready to start changing it, you will realize it is a slow process but it will happen.

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P.S: We maintain utmost privacy and confidentiality of those who write out to us. Please do not share any information which might compromise your identity.

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