Tuesday, 15 December 2015

Demystifying Depression!

Most of us consider depression as some sort of an extreme mental breakdown. But that is not the case. To be honest depression is a state of mind which may be more chronic and subtle in its manifestation. It might be always there- sometimes concealed and other times very much obvious. It can arise as a part and parcel of the job we do, the kind of neighbourhood we live in, our home environment or simply as a result of our interpersonal and social relations.

Depression as a mood is characterized by a sense of being ‘low’. It affects our thoughts, our feelings and our behaviour. It comes to determine our eating, sleeping, working and decision making habits. It can also put us constantly in a battle with our self- self doubt, guilt, worthlessness, anxiousness, emptiness and helplessness.

Apart from a mental state of anguish, it can severely affect our physical self- pain, fatigue, nausea and digestive troubles can all result from this state of depression. In worst case scenarios a constant thought of suicide, to the extreme edge of preoccupation with suicidal thoughts and attempts to end one’s life can manifest if this depression continues for long.

A depressed mood may be a result of a normal reaction to any tragic event like accident, death or loss of someone close to us. It may also be a result of bodily ailments like an acute or a chronic disease or merely due to side effects from ongoing medical treatment. Other circumstances may involve constant rejection or failure at academics, work or in familial or personal relation.

Every bad day or every bad mood need not be assessed as depression. There are certain check lists which have to be crossed off in order to diagnose it. Nonetheless seeking help at the very initial stages of depression is a good idea.

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